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Please be sure to follow the tutorial on how to setup the Google APIs required for the Advanced Google Map Widget.
Google Map API Key TutorialWhat Is Festival Fever
Festival Fever is a platform for YOU, the Festival Lover! Whether you are an experienced festival veteran or a complete newbie, Festival Fever aims to connect you to the African continent’s most vibrant festivals. Here on the platform, we gather all the information you need to safely travel to your dream festival and lots of tips on what to do locally before and after the festival. We who make The Global Entity are all solo travellers and have made it with extra care for you, the solo traveller, and all the predicaments that can show up. Are you travelling in a group, with friends and family maybe? No worries, the festival community is also for you as it is filled with tips and special offers from the festivals and local tourism actors.
We believe that festivals are not just amazing for us, the participants, but also a great tool to work and enable sustainable tourism and create long-term effects in the glocal socio-economic fabric. By en
Culturally and socially, festivals are amongst the most fun, unifying and diverse experiences that one can have when travelling. During just a few days, a festival gives you access to various types of local and regional experiences and artists that otherwise may be hard to access. But it can be nerve-wracking to gather all the information needed to go to the festival safely. That is why we at The Global Entity have created this Festival community.